
Showing posts from March, 2015

Spring Break

There will be no homework over Spring Break. Students have the option to participate in a reading challenge and a Moby Max math challenge. The reading challenge will require students to track the number of minutes they read over the week. The student who reads the most minutes will be the winner and get an extremely minor prize. The Moby Max math challenge will involve students doing lessons on their Moby Max account. I am able to monitor the activity on these accounts, so I'll know who does the most minutes of math lessons. Like the reading challenge, the student who works on Moby Max math the most number of minutes will get an extremely minor prize. Here is the link to access the site . Progress Reports were sent home with students on Friday. Please sign and date the envelope and send it back to school with your child on Monday, 3/30. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns after looking at the Progress Report of your student. Have a...

The Week Ahead 3/16-3/20

Students will have their spelling packet and reading logs due on Monday, 3/16. They will also take the test over the words from their spelling packet. There won't be any homework assigned over spring break. Instead the students will be given their spelling packet on Monday, 3/16 and that packet will be due on Friday, 3/20. The test over those words will be on the 20th as well. There will be no reading logs assigned for the week. For students who want to do school work over the break, there will be an optional recording sheet to keep track of minutes read. They can also do Moby Max math. Just like winter break, the student who reads the most minutes, and does the most minutes of math on Moby Max will get small prizes. The final fantasy book group meetings will take place on Tuesday, 3/17. Each student is expected to have finished reading their book. Ask your student who their favorite character from their book was, and why they liked them the most.  In math students ...

The Week Ahead 3/9-3/12

There will be no school for students on Friday, 3/13, as it will be a staff grading day. Students will have a spelling packet and reading logs due on Monday, 3/9. They will also take their spelling test and be given their spelling packet that will be due on Monday, 3/16. The next fantasy book group meetings will take place on Tuesday, 3/10 and Thursday, 3/12. Ask your child which day their meeting will take place and have them tell you about their book. They should be able to tell you whether their book is told from the 1st person or 3rd person point of view. The students have been doing a great job incorporating all that we have learned about persuasive writing to make strong arguments. However, as many of you noticed at conferences when you read their most recent on demand writing piece, many of them still have room to grow as editors of their work. Last week students were given editing checklists and given the task of editing their most recent persuasive on demand paper. We ...