
Showing posts from June, 2015

The Last Week of School 6/8-6/12

I can't believe we are down to the last week of school! This group of students has been such a treat to work with. They are kind to each other, work hard, and lots of fun. It'll be difficult to say goodbye to such great kids, but I'm glad they won't be far away next year.  Another big part of this being such a great year was the family support this class has received. Thank you to all of the volunteers that helped students with math, reading, art lit, and class parties. Thank you for supporting me by making school work a priority, communicating the needs of your child, and addressing student behaviors at home. It has been wonderful to work with such supportive families! Speaking of volunteers. Since our routine will change during our last week of school, we won't need any classroom volunteers to come next week. Thanks again to everyone who gave their time this year!  On Thursday each student brought home an informational paper about an upcoming health les...