
Showing posts from November, 2019

The Week Ahead 11/25-11/29

Short Week There will only be two days of school next week because of Thanksgiving Break. Monday, 12/2 is a Staff Development day, so students will not be in school then either. Students will return to school on Tuesday, 12/3. Inquiry The Innovation Fair was a great way to finish our How We Express Ourselves inquiry unit. Thank you to everyone who joined us! Our next inquiry will be under the theme of How the World Works. The central idea is people use scientific knowledge to respond to a changing earth. Some of the content unit students will learn about include plate tectonics, weathering, and erosion. Reading Students will not be assigned new vocabulary words or a reading log over Thanksgiving break. Instead, they will be given an optional reading log and anyone who brings it back when we return to school on Tuesday, 12/3 will get on the class Wall of Fame.  Idiom of the week: hit the road Library Cards Today students were given Washington County Cooperative Lib...

The Week Ahead 11/18 - 11/22

Innovation Fair On Thursday, students were sent home with information about the 4th Grade Innovation Fair. This will be our culminating activity for our How We Express Ourselves inquiry unit with the central idea that people innovate using creativity and knowledge of energy. It will take place on Thursday, November 21st, from 1:40-2:20 in the school Library. Students have been given a design map and been put in charge of coming up with a creative idea that they can share at the Innovation Fair. This idea will solve a problem by improving an existing object, or by inventing a new one. If your child needs anything other than their Chromebook, Micro:Bits (a computer coding device), or basic school supplies, it is their responsibility to bring those items to school. Reading  A big focus for our class going forward will be having each student select books at their just right reading level. This is so important, because in order to grow big ideas about the books they are reading, stu...

The Week Ahead 11/4-11/8

Back at West TV! On Monday, 11/4 we'll be back at West TV! There's no place like home! Halloween Party Thank you to everyone who put together the Halloween party! The students had a great time!   Conferences  Fall conferences will take place Wednesday, 11/6 in the evening and Thursday, 11/7 from 8am-8pm. If you haven't signed up yet, please go to the link below and select a time that works for you. I look forward to meeting with everyone! Idiom of the week : jump the gun Upcoming Dates Monday, November 4th - Back at West TV! Tuesday, November 5th - Reading Logs Due/Vocab Test Wednesday, November 6th - Conferences 3-8 Thursday, November 7th - No School - Conferences 8am-8pm Friday, November 8th - No School  Monday, November 11th - No School - Veterans Day