
Showing posts from 2015

Class Party Pics


The Week Ahead 12/14-12/18

Thank you to all of the volunteers who spent the day with us at JA Biztown! These people had to attend a training, provide their own transportation across town, and make themselves available for a whole day. We would not have been able to participate in the awesome field trip without you! To see pictures from the field trip, look at the previous blog post from Wednesday, 12/9.  Students will have their spelling packet and reading log due on Monday, 12/14. Remember, the reading log is now completed online. The form can be found at the Reading Log Form tab on the class website. If your student will not have access to a computer, they can complete their reading log on a piece of paper. There will be no spelling packet or reading log due over the Winter Break. The next assigned spelling packet and reading log will be when we return from Winter Break.  Speaking of Winter Break, there will be another optional reading log and Moby Max math competition, similar to Thanksgiving. Th...

Biztown Pics
