The Week Ahead 4/27-5/1

This will be our final week of state testing. The final test the students will take is the Math Performance Task. We will be taking the test at 12:50 on Wednesday. I've been very pleased with the effort students have given on their state assessments. Just a reminder that this is the final week of no spelling packets and reading log homework. We will continue with that routine starting next Monday, 5/4. Last Thursday the students gave their body system presentations. The groups did a nice job presenting their information. See the pictures of the groups with their posters at the bottom of the post. (I realized that I forgot to take a picture of the immune system group. I'll get a picture of them with their poster next week and email it to their families). Next week we will continue our Arts for Learning unit on Everyday Heroes. Last week we created a class list of qualities that make a hero. Then we began learning about Roberto Clemente and choosing some qualities that descri...