The Week Ahead 4/13-4/17

Next week our schedule will be a little different due to the beginning of state testing. Our class will be taking the English Language Arts (ELA) Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) on Monday and Tuesday. Then on Thursday and Friday we will take the Math (CAT). You can help your student do their best on these tests by helping them get a good nights rest and making sure they eat a full breakfast in the morning. I've attempted to ease any anxiety about the test for the students by emphasizing that these tests do not determine whether they move on to 5th grade. All they need to worry about is doing their best and showing what they know. If you have any questions about testing please feel free to contact me.

There will be no spelling packet or reading log homework assigned on Monday, 4/13. I'm giving the students a break from the weekly homework during state testing.

In math we will continue our study of decimals. Students will work on converting tenths and hundredths into fractions. They will also add and subtract decimals and compare decimals. Our fact practice will cover dividing by 9's.

We have started a health unit on body systems. Students are working in groups to prepare a presentation on a body system. Students will be given plenty of time in class to research their body systems. They are welcome to do more research on their own at home, but it is not required.

Volunteer Appreciation will be on Thursday, April 16th from 2-3 in the cafeteria. If you have volunteered in any way we would love to see you there. I feel very fortunate to be at a that school receives such amazing support from volunteers!

Students were sent home with Scholastic book orders last week. The orders are due 4/23 and you can order online at Our class code is DKQ9P.

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, April 13th - ELA State Assessment (CAT)
  • Tuesday, April 14th - ELA State Assessment (CAT)
  • Tuesday, April 14th - Art Literacy
  • Thursday, April 16th - Math State Assessment (CAT)
  • Thursday, April 16th - Volunteer Appreciation 2-3
  • Friday, April 17th - Math State Assessment (CAT)
  • Monday, April 20th - ELA State Assessment (PT)
  • Tuesday, April 21st - ELA State Assessment (PT)
  • Thursday, April 23rd - Scholastic Book Orders Due
  • Friday, April 24th - No School - Staff Development
  • Wednesday, April 29th - Math State Assessment (PT)

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