The Week Ahead 9/26-9/30

We will be taking our first math test on Tuesday, 9/27. The test will cover the first 10 lessons. We will spend Monday reviewing for the test. Students will be sent home with a practice test on Monday evening. You can help your student prepare for the test by going over the practice test with them.

Each child now has a specific skill they are working on while reading. Check in with your student and ask about their progress on their skill. Students should also be recording their reading on their reading log. They are expected to read at least 2 hours outside of school each week.

Students will be tested on their ten vocabulary words from our read aloud book, The Tiger Rising. The test will be on Tuesday, 9/27. We have been working with the words in class, but your student may need to study them in order to be prepared for their test. 

Students have been making good progress in their narrative writing. So far we have worked on using paragraphs, figurative language, and dialogue. Next week we will start focusing on making strong beginnings and endings for our narrative stories.

Our first science unit of the year revolves around energy. So far we have learned about potential energy and kinetic energy. We have also learned about mechanical, electric, thermal, light, and sound energy. Have your student tell you some examples of each of the types of energy we have studied. 

Upcoming Dates
Monday, September 26th - Practice math test sent home 
Tuesday, September 27th - Vocab Test - next set of words assigned
Tuesday, September 27th - Math Test over lessons 1-10
Thursday, September 29th - Track Trot
Thursday, October 6th - Math Night
Friday, October 14th - No School - Staff Development

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