The Week Ahead 11/13-11/16

At the end of next week we will have a mid unit assessment to see how well we are understanding multiplication. We have worked up to two by two digit and four by one digit multiplication. Students learned how to use partial products and the standard algorithm to solve problems. They've also learned how to model the multiplication with place value charts and area models.

Idiom of the week: hold your horses

Next week in our How We Express Ourselves unit we will begin our inquiry into ways innovation expresses creativity. Students will learn some basic computer coding. This will prepare them for our 4th Grade Innovation Fair that will take place at the end of the unit. There will be information coming about the Innovation Fair soon.

We have a little bit of a break between our realistic fiction unit and our informational writing unit that will start soon. During this time our writing mini-lessons have focused on conventions. We've been working to understand how to avoid run-on sentences and sentence fragments. Next week we'll practice how to use quotation marks with dialogue. The students have been enjoying this writing time because they have been able to practice these conventions while working on their free writing projects.  

Permission Slip 
On Thursday students were sent home with a permission slip to watch the movie Wonder. The school theme of choose kind was inspired by the book, and we read the book in class, as part of our Who We Are inquiry unit. In order to watch the movie your student will need to return the permission slip by Monday, November 19th.

Continent Club
The next Continent Club check day is Thursday, November 15th. The continent to study is South American. The study materials can be found here.

 Upcoming Dates 
  • Monday, November 12th - No School - Veterans Day
  • Tuesday, November 13th - Reading Logs Due/Vocabulary Test
  • Thursday, November 15th - Continent Club 
  • Friday, November 16th - Mid Unit Multiplication Assessment 
  • Monday, November 19th - Wonder Permission Slips Due
  • Tuesday, November 20th - Watching Wonder
  • November 21st - November 23rd - No School - Thanksgiving Holiday

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