The Week Ahead 10/31-11/4

Thank you to everyone who stopped by at conferences. It was great to have the chance to get together and make sure we are all on the same page. I hope you all feel like you have a good idea of what your student can do going forward to ensure they are successful in 4th grade. Please let me know if you ever have any questions.

Next week we will continue our study of nonfiction texts. Students are expected to record at least two hours of outside of school reading each week. The reading logs are due on Tuesdays. Because last week was a short week, we didn't assign vocabulary words to be tested next Tuesday. However, students will get their new words that will be tested the following Tuesday, 11/8.

Idiom of the Week: turn a blind eye

Students are currently in the middle of revising and editing a narrative paper. In my experience, it is challenging to get children to look critically at their work and find ways to improve their writing. Often they just want to find the misspelled words and call it good. Have your student tell you what they've done to make their paper better. The final copy of this paper will be typed on their Chromebooks.

Last week students were introduced to using the partial product method to multiply a one digit number by a two, three, or four digit number. This week they will learn how to use the standard algorithm, which is the more traditional way that you were probably taught as a child. Students will solve problems using both methods as a way to check their work for accuracy.

Halloween Party 
The class Halloween party will be on Monday. Students are allowed to bring their costumes to school. Our party is from 2-3, they will be given time before to party to change into their costume. No masks or other materials that cover faces will be allowed to be worn at school. 

Upcoming Dates
Monday, October 31st - Halloween Party - 2-3
Tuesday, November 1st - New Vocab words given
Tuesday, November 8th - Vocab Test - new words given
Thursday, November 10th - No School for students - Staff Development
Friday, November 11th - No School - Veterans Day
November 23rd - November 25th - No School Thanksgiving Break
Monday, November 28th - No School for students - Staff Grading Day


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