The Week Ahead 10/24-10/26

Next week will be a three day week because of conferences. If you haven't signed up for a conference please to go the Conferences link found within the Websites tab. Please bring your student with you to the conference.

We have started Module 3. This module focuses on multiplication and division. Students will learn multiple methods to solve division and multiplication problems and use those methods to solve multi-step word problems. I have made a slight alteration to our math homework routine. I believe something that was missing from my math instruction early in the year was immediate feedback to students. Because of this, we now go over the homework from the previous day in class. This daily  homework will be coming home with students after we have gone over it in class.

We finished up our first reading unit of study on characters. Our next unit of study will focus on reading nonfiction texts. You can help your student progress as a reader by making sure they are reading at least two hours a week outside of school. Talk to them about what they are reading. A great place to start the conversation is by asking them about their weekly reading goal.

Idiom of the week 
As part of our study of figurative language we have an idiom of the week each week. This is something we discuss in class. Students are encouraged to find appropriate situations to apply the idioms in their writing or notice when they come across them in their reading. Another great way to communicate with your child about school is to ask them about the idiom of the week. I'll try to remember to include it in the blog each week. 

Idiom of the week : jump the gun

Last week we wrote a second narrative on demand paper. Students were given two 45 minute sessions to incorporate everything we have learned so far and write the best narrative paper they could. At conferences students will get a chance to show the growth they have made from the first on demand paper they did at the beginning of the year.

We will meet our buddies from Ms. Stevens' class on Wednesday, 10/26. Our students are very excited to get to know our new buddies!

Tech Hour 
The class earned their 10th wooden nickel for good behavior. As a reward they decided they want a tech hour. It will take place during the last hour of the day on Wednesday, 10/26. Students are free to bring devices from home, but it isn't necessary because we do have Chromebooks at school. If you are okay with your student bringing a device from home please either send me an email or write a note saying your child has your permission.

Art Lit
Our first Art Lit lesson will take place on Tuesday, 10/25. This is a great program run by parent volunteers. Students learn about an artist and then make a piece of art inspired by the work of that artist. 

Book Fair
The school is having their annual book fair. It will be open during conferences, so feel free to stop by with your student before or after your conference. 

Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, October 25th - Art Lit
Tuesday, October 25th - Vocab Test - New words assigned
Wednesday, October 26th - Continent Club Check - North & Central America
Wednesday, October 26th - Conferences 3:20pm - 8pm
Thursday, October 27th - Conferences 8am - 8pm - No school for students
Friday, October 28th - No school for students
Monday, October 31st - Halloween Party 

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