The Week Ahead 2/23-2/27

There will be no school on Thursday, 2/26 or Friday, 2/27 because of conferences. These conferences are not required, but if you have not yet signed up and would like a conference go to this link to sign up.

With next week being a short week there will be no spelling packets sent home on Monday 2/23. Students will still be expected to complete four reading logs that will be due on Monday, 3/2. 

All students have now been placed in a fantasy book group. They have been assigned a certain number of pages to be read by the first book group meetings on Tuesday, 2/24. Unlike the historical fiction book groups, there will be no worksheets that need to be completed this time. However, students will still need to be prepared for each meeting by reading the assigned number of pages and being ready to discuss the book with peers. It is very important that students do not read ahead in their book.

The school Science Fair is coming up on Thursday, March 19th. Our class is working on an experiment that will be featured at the fair. We filled two different containers with 250 mL of water. Each student wrote a hypothesis on whether they thought the water would evaporate faster from one of the containers. So far we have collected two weeks worth of data and it appears that one of the containers is losing water faster. Students have the opportunity to share their own science experiment at the Science Fair. If your student would like to create their own experiment they need to turn in the Science Fair Form by Tuesday, 2/24. I will be sending an email to all parents with the form attached today. Please encourage your student to take advantage of this great opportunity!

In math we will be finishing our geometry unit next week. On Monday, we will review for the End of Module Assessment. Then students will take the end of Module Assessment on Tuesday. Our next unit will cover fractions.

In writing we will continue to work on making strong persuasive arguments. Next week we will work on making counter arguments. This will involve acknowledging the views that are against your own and countering that point of view with strong evidence that supports your view.

Upcoming Dates 
  • Monday, February 23rd - Spelling Packet/Reading Log Due - Spelling Test 
  • Tuesday, February 24th - 1st Fantasy Book Group Meetings
  • Wednesday, February 25th - Conferences (3:05 pm - 8:00 pm)  
  • Thursday, February 26th - Conferences (8:00 am - 8:00 pm) - No School 
  • Friday, February 27th - No School
  • Monday, March 2nd - Reading Log Due
  • Thursday, March 19th - Science Fair 

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