The Week Ahead 3/2-3/6

Thank you to everyone who stopped by for conferences! The students in this class are making a lot of great progress, and it was nice to have a chance to share the learning gains with families. 

Because it was a short week, I did not send home a spelling packet to be turned in on Monday, 3/2. However, students are expected to turn in reading logs on Monday. A new spelling packet will be sent home on Monday, 3/2. This packet will be due the next Monday, 3/9. Reading logs will also be due that Monday.

Each child was sent home with their end of module 4 math test on Wednesday. Please go over the test with your student and let me know if you have any questions regarding their performance. We are now moving on to module 5. This unit will cover fractions. We will begin by decomposing fractions and showing fraction equivalence. Here is a great resource for homework help 

Students will have their second fantasy book group meeting next week. Groups will meet on either Tuesday, 3/3 or Thursday 3/5. Each group has an assigned number of pages to read by their next meeting. Please check in with your student to see which day their group meets.

At the beginning of our persuasive writing unit I had the students write me an on demand paper to show me what they could do at that time. On Wednesday, I had the students write another on demand paper, using all of the skills that we have been practicing in class. I am pleased with the improvements that the students made. Some of the things I was happy to see students include were an introduction that hooked the reader and stated a thesis, body paragraphs that support a specific reason, counter arguments that acknowledge an opposite opinion, and a conclusion that wraps everything up and gives the reader a call to action. We will continue to work on using checklists to revise and edit our work. 

Continent Check day is Wednesday, March 4th. Don't forget to study over the extra long weekend. If students have misplaced their Study Guide, Maps, and Challenge you can always find them under the "files" tab on Big Tent.

Upcoming Dates 
  • Monday, March 2nd - Reading Log Due Tuesday
  •  March 3rd - Fantasy Book Group Meetings 
  • Wednesday, March 4th - Continent Club Check 
  • Thursday, March 5th - Fantasy Book Group Meetings
  • Friday, March 13th - No School - Grading Day
  • Thursday, March 19th - Science Fair  
  • Monday, March 23rd - Friday, March 27th - No School - Spring Break

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