The Week Ahead 2/17-2/20

There will be no school on Monday, 2/17 in observance of Presidents' Day. Students will turn in their weekly spelling packet and reading log when they return to school on Tuesday, 2/18. They will also take their spelling test and be given their spelling packet that will be due the following Monday, 2/23. A quick note on spelling tests. For the last five weeks our class average has dropped each week, going from 95% five weeks ago to 83% last week. The words are getting more difficult, so please encourage your child study their spelling words.

On Friday we had our class party. The students exchanged valentines, had strawberry short cake, played games, and guessed how many objects were in a jar. A huge thank you to all of the parents who have volunteered to make our class parties so much fun this year! There are pictures from the party at the bottom of this post.

Last week we took our Mid Module Assessment for Module 4. Your student should have brought their scored test home on Wednesday. Next week we will focus on identifying two dimensional figures and finding lines of symmetry. Our fact practice has moved from multiplication to division. Next week we will work on dividing by 10's. 

In writing we are starting a unit on persuasive essays. Last week we started by working on a format for beginning the essays. Students would write a thesis statement and then put it into a box. They would then put bullets below the box and list reasons for their thesis. Next week we will work on writing leads to hook the reader as well as providing evidence to support each of our reasons. Ask your child what thesis statements they wrote last week. 

We finished our historical fiction book groups last week. Now we will be moving on to the fantasy genre. Next week students will start a book group that will all be reading the same fantasy book. I will send an email the day students are given their books.

Upcoming Dates

  • Monday, February 16th - Presidents' Day - No School 
  • Tuesday, February 17th - Spelling Packet/Reading Log Due - Spelling Test
  • Wednesday, February 25th - Conferences (3:05pm - 8:00 pm)
  • Thursday, February 26th - Conferences (8:00 am - 8:00 pm) - No School
  • Friday, February 27th - No School

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