The Week Ahead 5/6-5/10

State Testing
We will begin state testing next Tuesday 5/7. The first test students will take is the English language arts computer adaptive test. Students will work on the test on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. The best way you can help your student prepare is by making sure they get plenty of rest and get a good breakfast on test days. Encourage them to think of the tests as an opportunity to show what they know. Also, if you haven't sent back a letter of encouragement for your student, please send it to school on Monday, 5/6.

Our study of geometry will focus on finding unknown angle measures and identifying two dimensional figures. A great way to help your student in math right now is to help them study their vocabulary words. Our vocabulary words this week are geometry terms.

Students have been working hard on their migration informational papers. Hopefully by the end of this week they are getting close to having their first draft complete. The final drafts will be typed and are due on Friday, May 10th. Check in with your student and ask how their first draft is coming. 

Groups are getting close to finishing up their first historical fiction book. Have your child tell you about the setting of their book. Ask them if they know which book they are hoping their group will read next.

Idiom of the week: state of the art

Day of Action
As you have heard, May 8 will be a non-student day for Beaverton students. This is due to the desire of many teachers throughout the state, myself included, to participate in a "Day of Action" designed to advocate for adequate and stable funding after decades of disinvestment in K-12 education. It is important that our elected representatives hear our voices and fund our schools. For the first time in decades, we have a real opportunity to fund the schools our students deserve. While I will not be with your students on that day, I will be advocating on their behalf. You are welcome to join me, per the schedule below.

8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Meet WTV teachers at The Little Store (8998 SW Leahy Rd) to write letters, learn about our state and district budget situation and make signs for the downtown rally/march
Meet teachers at sign waving during morning commute at Walker Road and SW Cedar Hills Blvd  (limited parking available at Cedar Park MS)
Meet at Sunset TC MAX Station to take the 10:26am MAX to the Yamhill District Max Station

Meet at Salmon Fountains (Salmon Street Springs on Google Maps) to walk to waterfront park together

11am-2pm Rally and March at Tom McCall Waterfront Park
Join educators, students, families and supporters from around the Portland metro area for this family-friendly event. Due to limited parking, we STRONGLY encourage carpooling and/or taking public transit. Find more information at

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, May 6th - Please Send Encouragement Letters Back to School
  • Tuesday, May 7th - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test - State Testing ELA (CAT)
  • Wednesday, May 8th - No School - Day of Action
  • Thursday, May 9th - State Testing ELA (CAT)
  • Friday, May 10th - Migration Papers Due - State Testing ELA (CAT)
  • Friday, May 17th - West TV Carnival 5-8
  • Monday, May 27th - No School - Memorial Day

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