The Week Ahead 6/3-6/7

I can't believe we are down to the last two weeks of school! It has been so much fun to work with the students in this class. The end of the year is always crazy, but I've made a goal for myself to make sure I really appreciate the last two weeks I get to spend with this great group of children.

Field Trip
We are starting the week off with our field trip to the Cedar Mill wetlands. We will leave the school at 9:30 and expect to return at 11:20. There is no need to pack a lunch as we will be back by then. We will be outside and working near the creek so students will want to make sure they are wearing clothing they are okay with getting a little dirty. I was out of the building on Friday, but as of Thursday, we still had a few students who hadn't returned their permission slip. If you haven't sent the permission slip back with your student, please make sure they bring it with them on Monday.

Our field trip is supporting our sharing the planet inquiry with the central idea that natural resources have a structure and function within a community. The natural resource we have been focusing on is water. On this field trip students will be looking to determine whether or not this is a healthy watershed. They will rotate to four different stations. At one of the stations they will do some water testing of the creek, they will also look for indicator species, do some plot sampling to look for biodiversity, and work on some nature journaling. When we get back to school we will look at all of the data we collect and try to answer our question. 

Students are expected to read three hours outside of school each week. The next reading log will be due on Tuesday, 6/4. Ask your student which book they are reading for their "Final Book as a 4th Grader" book.

Idiom of the week: the icing on the cake

Field Day 
Field Day will be on Tuesday, 6/4. We will be participating from 12:50-2:20. We are still looking for parent volunteers to help. Please let me know if you are interested. 

Upcoming Dates 
  • Monday, June 3rd - Field Trip to Cedar Mill Wetlands - 9:30-11:20
  • Tuesday, June 4th - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test - Field Day 12:50-2:20
  • Monday, June 10th - All Star Showcase
  • Friday, June 14th - Last Day of School

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