The Week Ahead 10/23-10/27

Last week was not our best reading log completion week. Please check in with your student and make sure they are reading and recording the expected three hours outside of school each week. Another way you can help your student progress as a reader is to have them tell you what their current reading goal is. They should know.

Idiom of the week: jump the gun

Next week students will begin solving multi-step words problems that involve addition and subtraction. They will be expected to show all of their work, create a visual representation of the problem, and use rounding to assess the reasonableness of their answers. 

On Monday students will begin working on the action that will represent their values, culture, or community. This will be the culminating activity of our inquiry unit with the central idea of people bring their cultural and personal beliefs to a community of learners. Students will be given three hours of class time to complete their project and we will present the projects on Thursday and Friday. We spent Friday planning exactly what we will do and then determining what supplies will be needed. Ask your student what their plan is.  

Continent Club
The first Continent Club Check will be Wednesday, October 25th. Europe will be the continent students are studying. To access the study maps to to the link below and view the October Maps. 

Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, October 24th - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test
  • Wednesday, October 25th - Continent Club/Early Release 1:35
  • Tuesday, October 31st - Halloween Party 2-3
  • Thursday, November 2nd - Art Lit

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