The Week Ahead 10/9-10/13

Because it is the week of fall conferences, there will be no school on Thursday, 10/12 or Friday, 10/13. If you have not signed up for a conference yet, please go to the link below to sign up. You can also call the office to schedule your conference 503-356-2510.

We are in a pretty good routine of students working on their reading goal at this time. Many of the students are doing a nice job of working on their goal the first couple of days after receiving it, but they tend to forget about it later in the week. You can help by giving them the expectation of sharing their reading goal with you. Also, please check in with your student regarding their three hours of outside of school reading for the week. Their next reading log is due Tuesday, 10/10.

Our vocabulary test on Tuesday, 10/10 will be on words from our read aloud book, Tiger Rising. Students were sent home with a list of the words, but can also study them online at quizlet. 

Idiom of the week:  throw under the bus

Students are now able to decide between writing a personal narrative or a realistic fiction narrative. Whichever type of narrative they choose, they are working on showing, not telling. The best way to do this is to use dialogue and figurative language. At this time students have been writing first drafts in their writing notebook. Later in the term, they will select one of their first drafts to revise and edit. 

At the end of the week students started working on a collage to represent one of their values, a part of their culture, and a community they belong to. We talked about using symbolism in their collage. On Seesaw, the students took a picture of themselves and listed some brainstorming ideas of what they would include in their collage. We are hoping to have the collages finished by next Tuesday, 10/10.

Track Trot 
The students did a great job at track trot! Hopefully you have had a chance to look at the pictures that were posted yesterday. Each child was given a card that states how many laps they ran. 

Picture Day 
Today students were given picture day packets. Our school picture day will be Tuesday, 10/17.

Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, October 10th - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test
  • Wednesday, October 11th - Early Release 1:35 - Conferences 3:30-8
  • Thursday, October 12th - No School - Conferences All Day
  • Friday, October 13th - No School
  • Tuesday, October 17th - Picture Day

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