The Week Ahead 10/30-11/3

Next week will be shorter for students. Friday, November 3rd will be a teacher grading day. There will be no school for students.

Students have their usual weekly reading and vocabulary expectations. Our reading mini-lessons are beginning to focus on characters and noticing patterns in their actions and looking for ways they are changing. Have your students tell you about the main character in the book they are reading. How would they describe the character? What challenges are the character facing?

Idiom of the week: turn a blind eye

Last week we practiced some different strategies for starting our narrative stories. The strategies we attempted were starting with action, dialogue, or a vivid description that establishes characters and the setting. Next week we will go over different strategies to bring our stories to a close. 

In math we will continue to solve multi-step word problems using addition and subtraction. Students are working on communicating their mathematical thinking with visual representations and using rounding to assess the reasonableness of their answers.

On Monday, we will finish up our presentations that show the culture and personal beliefs that each of us bring to a community of learners. The students that presented on Friday did a terrific job! Our next inquiry unit will be under the transdisciplinary theme of where we are in place and time. The central idea will be migration impacts individuals and communities.

Art Lit
We will have our first Art Lit lesson of the year on Thursday, November 2nd. The first artist students will learn about is Bev Doolittle. Students will learn about the principles of line, texture, and color using animals and camoflage. 

Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, October 31st - Halloween Party 2-3/Reading Logs Due/Vocab Test
  • Wednesday, November 1st - Early Release 1:35
  • Thursday, November 2nd - Art Lit
  • Friday, November 3rd - No School - Teacher Grading Day
  • Friday, November 10th - No School - Veteran's Day

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