The Week Ahead 10/17-10/21

While it is difficult to come back to work when you have a newborn at home, I'm very thankful that I have a terrific group of students I get to work with each day. Thank you for all of the well wishes and kind gestures. It is great to be back! 

Weekly Volunteers
Next week we will begin our weekly reading and math volunteers. I contacted all of the people who had previously indicated that they were interested in volunteering on a weekly basis. Each person should know which day of the week they will be joining us. If you are interested in volunteering and did not hear from me, please let me know as we most certainly will be able to use your help.

We took our End of Module 1 Assessment on Thursday. Students will bring their scored tests home on Monday. We will jump to Module 3 next. This module covers multiplication and division. 

Students continue to have a reading goal each week. Check in with your student and ask them to tell you about their reading goal. Remember that vocabulary tests are each Tuesday. Ask your student if they are prepared for their upcoming vocabulary test. 

Conferences will take place Wednesday, 10/26 and Thursday, 10/27. If you have not yet signed up for conferences please go to the link below and select a time to meet. Please bring your student with you to your conference.

Artist in Residence
Next week an artist will be spending an hour a day in our class teaching us some collage techniques. Last week we did a unit on Everyday Heroes. Students learned about some exceptional people and then came up with qualities they believe an Everyday Hero would have. This artist visit will be the culmination of the unit as they will create a collage to represent a time when they demonstrated qualities of a hero. 

Continent Club Check
The first Continent Club Check will be on Wednesday, October 26th. The study guides can be found in the websites section of this blog. The first area of study will be North and Central America.

Picture Day
Picture day will be Tuesday, October 18th. 

Upcoming Dates
Week of October 17th - 21st - Collage Artist in Residence
Monday, October 17th - End of Module 1 Math Assessment coming home
Tuesday, October 18th - Vocab Test - New words distributed - Picture Day
Wednesday, October 26th - Continent Club Check - North & Central America
Wednesday, October 26th - Conferences 3:20pm - 8pm
Thursday, October 27th - Conferences 8am - 8pm - No school for students
Friday, October 28th - No school for students
Monday, October 31st - Halloween Party 

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