The Week Ahead 11/5-11/9

We are progressing along nicely in our how we express ourselves unit with the Central Idea of people innovate using creativity and knowledge of energy. Our current focus in an inquiry in the transfer and conversion of energy. Students have experimented with mechanical energy by making catapults. Next week they will experiment with electrical, light, thermal, and sound energy.

We finished up our first week of our multiplication and division unit. Next week we will work on multiplying by 10's, 100's, and 1,000's. By the end of the week students will begin working on multiplying a one digit number by a four digit number. Like I mentioned in the blog post last week, students who are fluent with their math multiplication facts will find it much easier to be successful in this unit. Students can practice their fact fluency at this link. It can also be accessed on the class websites page under Xtra Math. To sign in students select their name from the class list and type in their four digit pin number.

Continent Club
The next Continent Club check day is Thursday, November 15th. The continent to study is South American. The study materials can be found here.

Reading Volunteer
I'm experimenting with a website called to coordinate reading volunteers. If you go to the link below you'll see a few days you can volunteer to sign up and read with students in my class. Last week was my first attempt using and it seemed to go pretty well. I'd appreciate any feedback you have regarding how easy or difficult the website is for you as a parent.

Idiom of the week: hit the road

Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, November 6th - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test
  • Friday, November 9th - No School - Grading Day
  • Monday, November 12th - No School - Veterans Day
  • Thursday, November 15th - Continent Club
  • Monday, November 19th - Art Lit

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