The Week Ahead 11/19-11/20

Students will still be sent home with a reading log on Tuesday, 11/20. However, new vocabulary words will not be sent home because of Thanksgiving break.

Idiom of the week: sit on the fence

Students took their mid unit assessment for our multiplication unit. Next week we will go over our assessments and clear up any misconceptions students may have. When we return from Thanksgiving break we will begin studying division. 

Permission Slip 
Students were sent home with a permission slip to watch the movie Wonder. The school theme of choose kind was inspired by the book, and we read the book in class, as part of our Who We Are inquiry unit. In order to watch the movie your student will need to return the permission slip by Monday, November 19th.

Upcoming Dates 
  • Monday, November 19th - Wonder Permission Slips Due/Art Lit
  • Tuesday, November 20th - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test - Watching Wonder
  • November 21st - November 23rd - No School - Thanksgiving Holiday 

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