The Week Ahead 4/6-4/10

Students have a spelling packet and reading logs due on Monday, 4/6. They will also get their next spelling packet that will be due Monday, 4/13.

Our next genre study will be on mystery books. Each student will find out the book they are in next week. At the initial meeting they will learn what page they will need to reach for each meeting.

Next week we will begin a health unit on body systems. Students will work in groups to research a body system. At the end of the unit each group will give a presentation explaining why the body system they studied is the most important.

In writing we have been studying poetry. We have written cinquains, haikus, acrostic, and shape poems. We have used alliteration, onomatopoeia, hyperbole, and different rhyming patterns in our poems. Soon the students will select their best poem and turn it into a final draft with a visual. 

In math we will be jumping around the curriculum a little in the next few weeks to make sure we cover material that will be on the state test that we have not reached. Two of the concepts we will study next week are multiplying fractions and converting fractions to decimals. Our fact practice will focus on dividing by 8's.

We now have firm dates for when we will be taking the state assessments, or SBAC. The assessments will consist of two English Language Arts (ELA) components and two Math components. The components are broken down into a Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) and a Performance Task (PT). They will take place over a 3 week period. I have included the testing dates below in the Upcoming Dates section. Here is a link from the district website that has some information about the Smarter Balance Assessment (SBAC), at the bottom of the page it says "information about the Smarter Balance Assessment"

Upcoming Dates

Monday, April 6th - Spelling Packets/Reading Logs Due - Spelling Test
Monday, April 13th - ELA State Assessment (CAT)
Tuesday, April 14th - ELA State Assessment (CAT)
Tuesday, April 14th - Art Literacy
Thursday, April 16th - Math State Assessment (CAT)
Friday, April 17th - Math State Assessment (CAT)
Monday, April 20th - ELA State Assessment (PT)
Tuesday, April 21st - ELA State Assessment (PT)
Friday, April 24th - No School - Staff Development
Wednesday, April 29th - Math State Assessment (PT)

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