The Week Ahead 2/2-2/6

I'm looking forward to having a normal five day week with the kids next week! On Monday, 2/2 students will have reading logs and spelling packets due. They will also take their spelling test. Each child will be given their new spelling packet that will be due the next Monday, 2/9. They will also have reading logs due on the 9th. Our third book group meetings will take place on Tuesday, 2/3. Each child is reading a historical fiction book that takes place during westward expansion of the 1840s and 1850s. They have an assigned number of pages to read and a worksheet to complete for each meeting. At the meetings students discuss their book with each other. Check in with your child and have them tell you about their book. They should all be able to tell you about the main characters and some specific challenges they are facing. In math we will be continuing our study of geometry. Last week we focused on identifying acute, obtuse, and right angles. We also examined parallel and...