The Week Ahead 1/20-1/23

There will be no school on Monday, 1/19 in observance of Martin Luther King Day. When the students return on Tuesday, they will have their first book group meeting. Each student has a number of pages they are supposed to read, as well as a worksheet page they need to complete. In order to have positive book group discussion, it is important that students do not read ahead in their books. We need each student to be on the same page.

Now that we are up and running with the book groups we will go back to our usual homework routine of reading logs and spelling packets. The reading logs and spelling packets will be due on Tuesday, 1/27. Students may use their book group book for their reading log entries, if they read it at home.

In math we will be taking a test over module 3 on Wednesday. On Tuesday we will have a review day to prepare for the test. Our fact practice for the week will focus on multiplying by 11's. We will start module 4 later in the week. This beginning of this module will focus on lines and angles. 

Family Art Night will take place on Wednesday, 1/21 from 5:30-7:30. I hope you can attend!

Scholastic book orders were sent home earlier this month. The orders are due Friday, 1/30. You may order online at Our class code is DKQ9P.

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, January 19th - MLK Day - No School 
  • Tuesday, January 20th - 1st Book Group Meeting
  • Wednesday, January 21st - Family Art Night 5:30-7:30
  • Monday, January 26th - Staff Development - No School
  • Tuesday, January 27th Spelling Packets/Reading Logs Due - Spelling Test - 2nd Book Group Meeting
  • Friday, January 30th - Scholastic Book Orders Due
  • Tuesday, February 3rd - 3rd Book Group Meeting
  • Tuesday, February 10th - 4th Book Group Meeting

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