The Week Ahead 1/26-1/30

Monday, 1/26 is a staff development day. There will be no school for students.

When students return on Tuesday, 1/27 they will have a few things due:
1.) spelling packets/spelling test
2.) reading logs
3.) book group pages read and worksheet page

That Tuesday, 1/27 students will be assigned reading logs that will be due the following Monday, 2/2. They will also be given spelling packets that will be due Monday as well.

The end of module 3 math assessments were sent home with students on Thursday. Our next math unit will focus on geometry. So far we have touched on identifying angles as right, acute, obtuse, or straight. Students have also identified parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting lines. In addition to continuing our study of geometry we will work on multiplying by 12's for our fact practice.

Hopefully your student has told you all about our Oregon Trail simulation. Students worked in groups to decide what they would bring with them to survive the 2000 mile journey. They have been faced with many different challenges and are only half way there! The children have been writing journal entries each day to document what their character goes through.

Scholastic book orders were sent home earlier this month. The orders are due Friday, 1/30. You may order online at Our class code is DKQ9P.

Continent Club will be on Wednesday, 1/28.

On Thursday, 1/29 our class will be visited by science teachers from the district. They will be leading the class in a hands on science activity. 

We will conclude the week by meeting with our buddies from Mrs. Lingo's class at the end of the day on Friday.

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, January 26th - Staff Development - No School
  • Tuesday, January 27th - Spelling Packets/Reading Logs Due - Spelling Test - 2nd Book Group Meeting
  • Wednesday, January 28th - Continent Club
  • Friday, January 30th - Scholastic Book Orders Due/Buddies
  • Monday, February 2nd - Spelling Packets/Reading Logs Due - Spelling Test
  • Tuesday, February 3rd - 3rd Book Group Meeting
  • Tuesday, February 10th - 4th Book Group Meeting

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