The Week Ahead 1/12-1/16

I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays. Our first week back went well. The students did a nice job of transitioning back to school and meeting the classroom expectations.

On Monday the students will have reading logs and spelling packets due. They will also take their spelling tests.

We have been working on division in math. So far we have solved problems with dividends of up to four digits and divisors of up to 5. Next week we will add a little more difficulty by working with divisors as high as 9. In addition, the students will be solving more multi-step word problems that require the use of division and multiplication. Our fact practice next week will focus on multiplying by 9. We will start the week on Module 3, Lesson 31. Don't forget about this great resource for math help

In Social Studies we have shifted our focus to westward expansion in the mid 1800s. As part of our study, the students will be taking part in a simulation in which they travel from Independence, Missouri to Oregon City. Last week the children were placed in groups and they selected roles they will take on throughout the simulation. They worked together as a group to decide what supplies they would bring with them on the journey. We will finish the preparations next week and begin traveling on the trail. I showed the class the classic Oregon Trail video from back in the day. Here is the link in case you want to play at home

We will be integrating reading into our social studies curriculum by starting literature circle groups. Each child will be placed in a group of 4-6 students who will all be reading the same book. Each group will be reading a historical fiction book about westward expansion in the mid 1800's. Students will be assigned a certain number of pages to read prior to each meeting. In addition, they will have one worksheet page that needs to be completed for each meeting. There will be no reading log homework while we are doing the book groups. I am hoping to get the books to the students early next week. It will depend on when the books that were ordered get here. I will let you know the day the students receive their books.

Students were sent home with Scholastic book order forms last week. The orders are due Friday, 1/30. You may order online at Our class code is DKQ9P.

The class received some exciting news this week. Ms. Cereda, the PE teacher has awarded the class an extra PE class. The students will get to choose the activity they do. They were given this reward because of their outstanding behavior in PE this year! The extra PE class will take place on Wednesday, 1/14 at 2:30.

Upcoming Dates

Monday, January 12th - Reading Logs & Spelling Packets Due/Spelling Test
Wednesday, January 14th - Extra PE Class
Monday, January 19th - MLK Day - No School
Tuesday, January 20th - 1st Book Group Meeting
Tuesday, January 27th - 2nd Book Group Meeting
Friday, January 30th - Scholastic Book Orders Due
Tuesday, February 3rd - 3rd Book Group Meeting
Tuesday, February 10th - 4th Book Group Meeting

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