
Showing posts from February, 2015

The Week Ahead 3/2-3/6

Thank you to everyone who stopped by for conferences! The students in this class are making a lot of great progress, and it was nice to have a chance to share the learning gains with families.  Because it was a short week, I did not send home a spelling packet to be turned in on Monday, 3/2. However, students are expected to turn in reading logs on Monday. A new spelling packet will be sent home on Monday, 3/2. This packet will be due the next Monday, 3/9. Reading logs will also be due that Monday. Each child was sent home with their end of module 4 math test on Wednesday. Please go over the test with your student and let me know if you have any questions regarding their performance. We are now moving on to module 5. This unit will cover fractions. We will begin by decomposing fractions and showing fraction equivalence. Here is a great resource for homework help   Students will have th...

The Week Ahead 2/23-2/27

There will be no school on Thursday, 2/26 or Friday, 2/27 because of conferences. These conferences are not required, but if you have not yet signed up and would like a conference go to this link http://www. ptcfast .com/schools/West_Tualatin_View_Elementary to sign up. With next week being a short week there will be no spelling packets sent home on Monday 2/23. Students will still be expected to complete four reading logs that will be due on Monday, 3/2.  All students have now been placed in a fantasy book group. They have been assigned a certain number of pages to be read by the first book group meetings on Tuesday, 2/24. Unlike the historical fiction book groups, there will be no worksheets that need to be completed this time. However, students will still need to be prepared for each meeting by reading the assigned number of pages and being ready to discuss the book with peers. It is very important that students do not read ahead in their book. The school Science Fair is...

The Week Ahead 2/17-2/20

There will be no school on Monday, 2/17 in observance of Presidents' Day. Students will turn in their weekly spelling packet and reading log when they return to school on Tuesday, 2/18. They will also take their spelling test and be given their spelling packet that will be due the following Monday, 2/23. A quick note on spelling tests. For the last five weeks our class average has dropped each week, going from 95% five weeks ago to 83% last week. The words are getting more difficult, so please encourage your child study their spelling words. On Friday we had our class party. The students exchanged valentines, had strawberry short cake, played games, and guessed how many objects were in a jar. A huge thank you to all of the parents who have volunteered to make our class parties so much fun this year! There are pictures from the party at the bottom of this post. Last week we took our Mid Module Assessment for Module 4. Your student should have brought their scored test home on We...

Art Literacy Pics

Today the students learned about Henri Matisse. Then they used the knowledge they gained about his use of color to paint t-shirts. Enjoy the pictures!