The Week Ahead 3/14-3/18

When students return to school on Monday, 3/14, they will have reading logs due. They will also take their vocabulary test over the words given out last week. Because the week of 3/21-3-25 is Spring Break, there will be no new vocabulary words given out. There will also be no reading logs assigned over the break.

Next week in math we will continue working on addition and subtraction of mixed numbers. By the end of the week we will be focusing on multiplying fractions. Our weekly fact practice will focus on improving our speed and accuracy in dividing by 11's.

Inquiry Presentations 
The students did a great job with their inquiry presentations. It was clear that many of them became experts on their topic of interest. Students were given their scores on their project on Thursday. Ask your student to show you their scored rubric.

Spring Break
Like mentioned above, there will be no assigned reading logs, vocabulary, or math homework over Spring Break. Instead students will be sent home with a sheet they can use to record the number of minutes they read. The student who reads the most minutes over the break will get a very small prize. In addition, the student who does the most minutes of Moby Max math lessons over the break will also get a very small prize. I am able to view the Moby Max minutes online, so there is no paperwork that needs to be filled out for it.

Report Cards
2nd trimester report cards will come home with students on Friday, 3/18. Please sign the envelope and send it back to school to acknowledge that you have received the report card of your student.

Our class is running low on dry erase markers. We use them everyday in math. If you happen to have any extra at home or see a box on sale at the store, we would be grateful for any contributed to our class. Thank you!

Important Dates
  • Monday, March 14th - Reading Log Due/Vocabulary Test
  • Thursday, March 17th - Science Fair 5pm - 7pm
  • March 21st-March 25th - No School - Spring Break
  • Monday, March 28th - No School - Staff Development
  • Monday, April 4th - State Testing - English Language Arts - Computer Adaptive Test
  • Tuesday, April 5th - State Testing - English Language Arts - Computer Adaptive Test
  • Tuesday, April 19th - State Testing - English Language Arts - Performance Task
  • Wednesday, May 4th - State Testing - Math - Computer Adaptive Test
  • Thursday, May 5th - State Testing - Math - Computer Adaptive Test
  • Tuesday, May 17th - State Testing - Math - Performance Task 

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