
Showing posts from February, 2018

The Week Ahead 2/26-3/2

Math Next week in math we will continue to study fraction equivalence. We will begin by using pictures to demonstrate how different fractions have the same value. Then we will use multiplication to multiply the numerator and denominator by the same number to find equivalent fractions.    Inquiry Because of the snow days, we didn't get as far in to our new inquiry unit as we planned. The central idea of the unit is community values influence leaders and impact decision making. Our three lines of inquiry are an inquiry in to how leadership is defined, decision making, and ways power is shared. During this inquiry unit we will be studying the Oregon State Government. The unit will culminate with a trip to the State Capitol Building, more information to come on the field trip. Idiom of the week: Hit the broadside of a barn Conferences You can now sign up for spring conferences. Just go to the link below and select a time that works for you. If you are unable to sign ...

The Week Ahead 2/20-2/23

There will be no school on Monday, 2/19 in observation of President's Day. Math Last week was our introduction to fractions. The students worked in groups to solve problems involving fractions. Then we would meet as a whole class and share the strategies that different groups used to solve their problems. Next week we will start specific lessons beginning with fraction equivalence. Inquiry Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Innovation Faire! It was a great way to culminate our how we express ourselves unit. Next week we will begin an inquiry unit that falls under the transdisciplinary theme of how we organize ourselves. The central idea of this unit will be community values influence leaders and impact decision making. This unit will culminate just before Spring Break with a field trip to the State Capitol Building (more information to come later regarding the field trip). Writing  To go along with our upcoming inquiry unit we will begin working on persuasive writ...

The Week Ahead 2/12-2/16

Math Students were sent home with their assessment on multiplication and division early in the week. Next week we will begin our unit on fractions. In the early stages of this unit we will focus on fraction equivalences. Idiom of the week: in the doghouse Inquiry Students have begun working on the solution to their problem. The final innovations will be presented at an Innovation Fair on Thursday, 2/15. Our class will be presenting our innovations at the fair from 10-10:40 in the Library. All are welcome to stop by and check it out. Valentine's Day  The class Valentine's day party will be on Wednesday, 2/14. If your child chooses to bring valentines they need to bring one for everyone in the class. Please did not send treats that contain tree nuts, dairy, or peanuts as we have serious allergies to those foods in our class. Wooden Nickel Party The class earned their 10th wooden nickel for good behavior! The reward will a PJ day on Friday, 2/16. In addition to wea...

The Week Ahead 2/5-2/9

Inquiry The students have been working hard to apply their knowledge of circuits to make a card that lights up. Monday will be our final day to work on the cards in class. When we have the cards wrapped up we will begin our final learning experience of our unit. This final learning experience will culminate with an innovation fair in which students will get a chance to show an innovation they created using creativity and knowledge of energy. On Wednesday students were sent home with a planning sheet, which they should use to come up with a problem they want solve. At this point in time, we just want students to focus on determining their problem. They don't need to do anything else. Each student is expected to have their planning sheet complete and returned to school by Tuesday, 2/6. Math Students will come home with their multiplication and division math test on Monday. Go over the test with your student. Next week we will use our knowledge of multiplication and division to co...