The Week Ahead 2/12-2/16

Students were sent home with their assessment on multiplication and division early in the week. Next week we will begin our unit on fractions. In the early stages of this unit we will focus on fraction equivalences.

Idiom of the week: in the doghouse

Students have begun working on the solution to their problem. The final innovations will be presented at an Innovation Fair on Thursday, 2/15. Our class will be presenting our innovations at the fair from 10-10:40 in the Library. All are welcome to stop by and check it out.

Valentine's Day 
The class Valentine's day party will be on Wednesday, 2/14. If your child chooses to bring valentines they need to bring one for everyone in the class. Please did not send treats that contain tree nuts, dairy, or peanuts as we have serious allergies to those foods in our class.

Wooden Nickel Party
The class earned their 10th wooden nickel for good behavior! The reward will a PJ day on Friday, 2/16. In addition to wearing PJ's we will have an afternoon read in and an extra recess at the end of the day. 

Report Cards
Students were sent home with their 1st semester report cards on Friday. Please sign the envelope the report card arrived in and send it back to school with your student on Monday, 2/12. The report card stays with you. If you have any questions or concerns about your child's report card please contact me.  

The second parent teacher conferences will take place on Wednesday, 3/7 and Thursday, 3/8. You can expect the sign ups for conference times to be up next week. I'll send out a link you can use to sign up once the sign ups are available.

Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, February 13th - Reading Logs Due/Vocab Test
  • Wednesday, February 14th - Valentine's Day Party
  • Thursday, February 15th - Innovation Fair 10-10:40
  • Friday, February 16th - Class PJ Party
  • Monday, February 19th - No School - President's Day

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