The Week Ahead 2/26-3/2

Next week in math we will continue to study fraction equivalence. We will begin by using pictures to demonstrate how different fractions have the same value. Then we will use multiplication to multiply the numerator and denominator by the same number to find equivalent fractions. 
Because of the snow days, we didn't get as far in to our new inquiry unit as we planned. The central idea of the unit is community values influence leaders and impact decision making. Our three lines of inquiry are an inquiry in to how leadership is defined, decision making, and ways power is shared. During this inquiry unit we will be studying the Oregon State Government. The unit will culminate with a trip to the State Capitol Building, more information to come on the field trip.

Idiom of the week: Hit the broadside of a barn

You can now sign up for spring conferences. Just go to the link below and select a time that works for you. If you are unable to sign up online you can call the office at 503-356-2510 to schedule your conference.

Continent Club
The next Continent Club check day will be Wednesday, 2/28. South America will be the continent that students will need to study. You can find the study materials at the link below.

Upcoming Dates
  •  Tuesday, February 27th - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test
  • Wednesday, February 28th - Continent Club Check - South America 
  • Wednesday, March 7th - Conferences 3:30-8 (Early Release 1:35)
  • Thursday, March 8th - Conferences 8am - 8pm (No School)
  • Friday, March 2nd - School Spirit Day (Decade Day)
  • Friday, March 9th - No School
  • Wednesday, March 21st - Tech Expo - Aloha High School 5pm-8pm

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