The Week Ahead 2/20-2/23

There will be no school on Monday, 2/19 in observation of President's Day.

Last week was our introduction to fractions. The students worked in groups to solve problems involving fractions. Then we would meet as a whole class and share the strategies that different groups used to solve their problems. Next week we will start specific lessons beginning with fraction equivalence.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Innovation Faire! It was a great way to culminate our how we express ourselves unit. Next week we will begin an inquiry unit that falls under the transdisciplinary theme of how we organize ourselves. The central idea of this unit will be community values influence leaders and impact decision making. This unit will culminate just before Spring Break with a field trip to the State Capitol Building (more information to come later regarding the field trip).

To go along with our upcoming inquiry unit we will begin working on persuasive writing. To get an idea of our current persuasive writing abilities we will do a preassessment early next week. Then we will begin working on making strong arguments.

Tech Expo
West TV fourth and fifth grade teachers are excited to announce that we will be showcasing some of our technology innovations at the Beaverton School District Expo on March 21 from 5 - 8 at Aloha High School. You can watch an introductory video here:
Four student volunteers from each grade level have been invited to share their projects, but everyone is welcome! This will be an opportunity for students to share how we developed our technology skills while learning about science and engineering units. Fourth grade students will be sharing their Makey Makey projects, and fifth grade students will be sharing their insights with the Sphero Mars rover. At this time, we are also raising funds in order to purchase some of the equipment we will need. To date, we have had to checkout the equipment from the district. However, we would love to have the chance to own our own class sets. 

To check out the funding project and pass the hat for donations, please visit:
Thank you for your support!

Report Report Envelopes
If you haven't signed and sent back the envelope that your student's report card was in. Please do that on Tuesday. You should have received an email letting you know if I don't have the envelope from your student yet. 

Spring Conferences
You can now sign up for spring conferences. Just go to the link below and select a time that works for you. If you are unable to sign up online you can schedule your conference by calling the office at 503-356-2510.

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, February 19th - No School - President's Day
  • Tuesday, February 20th - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test
  • Wednesday, February 21st - Early Release - 1:35
  • Wednesday, March 21st - Tech Expo - Aloha High School 5-8

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