The Week Ahead 9/22-9/26

This week students were sent home with Scholastic book orders. If you want to order any books for your child the orders need to be in by Thursday, September 25th. The easiest way to order is to go to this link At the top right there is a link that says Connect to your teacher. If you click that link it will ask for the class activation code. Our code is DKQ9P. I will use all of the points earned from student purchases to buy books for our classroom library.

An excellent website was brought to my attention today. is place you can go if you are finding that you need a little assistance with the Engage NY homework math curriculum. I know some of the methods we have been using may be a little unfamiliar to you, so this is a great place for a little guidance. If you find you and your child are struggling with the math or any other homework please let me know.

Remember to sign up for conferences on either Wednesday, October 29th or Thursday October 30th. The link provided will send you to a page where you can sign up for a time.

Today students got to meet their buddies from Mrs. Lingo's 1st grade classroom. The buddies got to know each other by working on a getting to know you book. Half of the class went to Mrs. Lingo's room to meet their buddy and the other half stayed in our room. Check out the pictures from the students who stayed in our room. 

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, September 22nd - Reading Log and Spelling Packet Due/Spelling Test
  • Thursday, September 25th - Scholastic Book Orders Due (Class Code: DKQ9P)
  • Tuesday, September 30th - Track Trot
  • Thursday, October 2nd - Track Trot (Rain Date)
  • Wednesday, October 29th - Conferences 3 pm - 8 pm
  • Thursday, October 30th - Conferences 8 am - 8 pm

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