The Week Ahead 12/5-12/9

We will take a vocabulary test on 12/6. Students will also be given their new words for the following week that day.

The vocab test that we will be taking on Tuesday, December 6th, covers math terms. Having a strong understanding of these words will help students be successful in our current multiplication and division unit. See if your student can tell you the difference between a multiple and a factor. Remember to please check with your student and make sure they are finishing their math homework each day.

Last week students had the chance to demonstrate their nonfiction reading proficiency. They all read a nonfiction text and wrote a summary explaining the main idea with supporting details from the text. After they turned in their summary they were given feedback on what they could do to improve their summary. Have your student tell you what improvements they made to their summary. Next week we will begin using our nonfiction reading skills to research our migration topics.

Idiom of the week: a drop in the bucket

We have been practicing informational writing by composing "about me" pieces. Next week students will begin using the skills we've been practicing on an informational paper about their migration topic. Because we are just at the beginning of the research phase of this project, the final draft of these papers probably won't be completed until after we return from Winter Break. 

Last week students found out which historical migration example they would be studying. I was really happy that we were able to give each student in our class their number one preference! Check in with your student and find out which topic they were given. As you can see from the information above, a lot of the reading and writing instruction we have done up to this point has been in preparation for this unit. This unit will be integrated into all parts of our day, so students should be able to stay on track if they are using their class time well.

1st Trimester Report Cards
1st Trimester Report Cards will be coming home with students on Monday, December 5th. I'd like to point out that the proficiency levels listed are based on end of the 4th grade expectations. Students are expected to have a parent sign the report card envelop and return it back to school on Tuesday. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns after looking at the report card for your student. 

 Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, December 5th - 1st Trimester Report Cards Coming Home
  • Tuesday, December 6th - Vocab Test
  • Friday, December 16th - End of Module 3 Math Test - Class Party (2-3)
  • Dec. 19-Jan. 2 - Winter Break - No School

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