The Week Ahead 4/24-4/28

State Testing
The students gave tremendous effort on their English Language Arts state tests. We will take a break from testing next week and then do the Math testing the week of 5/1-5/5. Classroom volunteers are welcome to join us again next week!

We completed our first week of geometry. So far students have worked on identifying acute, right, and obtuse angles. They also identified perpendicular and parallel angles. Next week they will begin finding angle measurements with protractors.

Last week we focused on prefixes and how they can help determine meanings of words. Ask your student to tell you some of the prefixes we looked at this week. Next week we will look at some common suffixes. 

Idiom of the week: get cold feet

Next week we will jump into our new inquiry unit. This will be a science unit with the central idea of people use scientific knowledge to respond to a changing Earth. We learned about Rachel Carson as a brief introduction to this central idea. Now we will begin studying some of the ways the Earth can rapidly change. Next week we will focus on earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes. 

Continent Club
The next Continent Club check will be on Wednesday, 4/26. The continent students will be quizzed on this month is South American. The study materials can be accessed through the link below.

Upcoming Dates 
  • Wednesday, April 26th - Continent Club
  • Week of May 1st - 5th - Math State Testing
  • Monday, May 1st - Art Lit
  • Friday, May 5th - Buddies - Decade Day
  • Friday, May 26th - No School - Staff Development  
  • Monday, May 29th - No School - Memorial Day 

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