The Week Ahead 4/23-4/27

Next week we will wrap up our unit on fractions. Students will take an assessment on Friday, 4/27. They will be sent home with a practice test on Thursday evening. You can help your child prepare for their test by going over the practice test with them on Thursday night.

Idiom of the week: Get cold feet

We will continue our inquiry with the central idea of people use scientific knowledge to respond to a changing Earth. Students will get to select a natural disaster that changes the Earth and become an expert on that natural disaster. They will write a paper to demonstrate their knowledge.

Continent Club
The next continent club check day will be Wednesday, 4/23. Africa is the continent of the month. The study materials can be found at the link below.

Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, April 24rd - Reading Log Due/Vocabulary Test
  • Wednesday, April 25th - Continent Club 
  • Friday, April 27th - Fractions Assessment

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