The Week Ahead 12/10-12/14

Students have learned that knowledge of text structures can help readers determine the main ideas and supporting details from a nonfiction text. The ones we have studied are chronological, problem/solution, cause and effect, compare/contrast, and description. Ask your student to tell you about the different text structures we've studied. Another way you can support your student in their nonfiction reading is to point out how often they use nonfiction reading. Whether it's reading recipes, instructions on how to assemble furniture, street signs, or the back of cereal boxes. 

Idiom of the week: the cold shoulder

Last week students made good progress in their understanding of division. Next week we will increase the difficulty by going from two digit dividends to three and four digit dividends. Last week we learned about prime and composite numbers. Have your child tell you the difference between the two. 

Students will dig in to our first line of inquiry which is an inquiry in to the causes of global change. The causes of change they will study are earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, mudslides/avalanches, and wildfires.

Upcoming Dates 
  • Tuesday, December 11th - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test 
  • Friday, December 21st - Class Party From 2-3
  • December 24th - January 4th - No School - Winter Break
  • Monday, January 7th - Return From Winter Break

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