The Week Ahead 3/18-3/22

Each student is writing a persuasive paper on a topic of their choice. The final drafts of the paper need to be completed by Friday, 3/22. Students will get four writing sessions of 45 minutes in class to work on their paper next week. If they aren't able to finish the paper in that time, they are expected to work on it at home. Check in with your student and see how their paper is going. 

Idiom of the week: let the cat out of the bag

Hopefully you have had a chance to look at the math exit tickets your student has been completing on Seesaw. Next Tuesday, 3/19, we will take an assessment on all of the fraction concepts we have covered. One of the best ways you can help your student prepare is to go over the problems they have done on Seesaw with them.

This week we started our where we are in place and time inquiry with the central idea that migration impacts individuals and communities. So far we've studied the Corps of Discovery, led by Lewis and Clark. Next week we will continue learning about their quest for an all water route to the Pacific Ocean and then jump to the Oregon Trail. When students return from spring break they will learn about other migrations from history and eventually pick one that they want to research. 

Field Trip
Students were sent home with permission slips for our next field trip. On Tuesday, 4/9, we will travel to Philip Foster Farms. On this trip students will get to participate in a real life pioneer experience. Each 4th grade class is able to bring six adult chaperones. Please email me by Friday, 3/22, if you are interested in joining us. If we have more than six volunteers, we will draw six names at that time. We are asking chaperones to cover their $5 cost for the trip.

Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, March 19th - Reading Log Due
  • Friday, March 22nd - Persuasive Paper Due 
  • Monday, March 25th - Friday March 29th - No School - Spring Break
  • Tuesday, April 2nd - Field Trip Permission Slip Due 
  • Friday, April 5th - No School - Grading Day
  • Tuesday, April 9th - Field Trip to Philip Foster Farms

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