The Week Ahead 2/3 - 2/7

Social Emotional Learning
This week in class we learned about our social filter. The students were introduced to the idea of a thinking bubble and a talking bubble. The words in our thinking bubble are private and only for us. Our social filter makes sure that words in our thinking bubble that cause hurt feelings, embarrassment, or are disrespectful are kept out of our talking bubble, which can be heard by others. We read a great book called "I Can't Believe You Said That" by Julia Cook that helps teach the importance of a social filter.
The students have now been placed in a book group. Each book group has selected their book. They also decided how many pages they would read each day. Ask your student to tell you which book they are reading, how many pages or chapters they are reading each day, and when they will finish their book.

Idiom of the Week: in the same boat

We are continuing our multiplication and division unit. We made solid growth in our dividing this week. Next week we will starting dividing with dividends in the hundreds and thousands. An area of growth for the class is to check their quotients by multiplying. 

How We Organize Ourselves
Last Wednesday students were sent home with a homework assignment that relates to our new inquiry unit. The central idea of the unit is that community values influence leaders and impact decision making. Their assignment is to write about a rule they have in their home and tell why that rule came into existence. The students will be sharing their rule with the class on Tuesday, 2/4.

Report Cards
First semester report cards will be available on Monday, 2/3 on ParentVue. Please keep in mind that the proficiency levels on the report card of your student are based on end of year 4th grade expectations.   

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, February 3rd - Report Cards Available in ParentVue
  • Tuesday, February 4th - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test - Rules HW Due
  • Thursday, February 6th - Buddies
  • Friday, February 7th - Spirit Day - Character Day
  • Monday, February 17th - No School - Presidents' Day
  • Tuesday, February 18th - No School - Staff Development Day

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