The Week Ahead 11/12-11/14

There will be no school on Monday, 11/10 or Tuesday, 11/11 of next week. Because of this reading logs and spelling packets will be due on our first day of the week, Wednesday, 11/12. In addition, students will be giving their biography book presentations that Wednesday as well.

Last week in math we finished up Module 2. Each student was sent home with their scored Module 2 assessment on Wednesday. On Monday, we will be on lesson 4 of Module 3. This Module will be heavy on multiplication and division. One of the best ways you can support your child in this module is to help them with their multiplication and division fact fluency. There is a fact fluency component on the Moby Max website that I encourage you to have your student use

Spelling will be a little different next week. On Friday, 11/7 we took a pretest on the months of the year and days of the week. Any student who missed more than one of the words on the pretest will be sent home with a list to study on Wednesday, 11/12. The test for the months and days of the week will be on Monday, 11/17. Students who demonstrated mastery of the words by missing one or none on the pretest, will not have a spelling test that Monday, 11/17. An important thing to note is that a student must have proper capitalization to get a word correct. For example, if they spelled october like I just did, without a capital O at the beginning, they will be marked incorrect. This will also be the case with the days of the week. Since we are not doing the usual spelling routine, there will be no packets sent home on Wednesday, 11/12.

In science we learned about minerals, rocks, and the impact of weathering and erosion. Next week we will continue our study of the Earth's resources by studying how the Earth's surface can change rapidly and by looking at the water cycle. The main learning targets from last week were: (1) Students should understand that minerals make up rocks. (2) They should know the three different types of rocks, and how they are formed. (3) They should know the difference between weathering and erosion. Check in with your student and see if they paid attention in science this week.

Even though there will be no spelling packets coming home, there will still be reading logs due on Monday, 11/17. Students will have the same expectation of four 30 minutes reading sessions, with four summaries.

The students were excited to learn that we will meet with our 1st grade buddies on Friday, 11/14! I will post pictures of the students who are in my room during that time.

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, November 10th - No School - Teacher Work Day
  • Tuesday, November 11th - No School - Veterans' Day
  • Wednesday, November 12th - Biography Book Presentations
  • Wednesday, November 12th - Reading Logs/Spelling Packets Due - Spelling Test
  • Friday, November 14th - Buddies
  • Thursday, November 20th - Art Literacy
  • Wednesday, November 26th - Friday November 28th - No School - Thanksgiving

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