The Week Ahead 11/17-11/21

It was odd telling the students to have a nice weekend today. I felt like I hardly saw them this week! Students will have reading logs due when they return on Monday, 11/17. I will be at a conference that day, so there will be a substitute. Since I will be gone on Monday, the spelling test over the days of the week and months of the year will take place on Tuesday, when I return. There is no spelling packet to turn in. 

The students received their scores from the biography presentations. Check in with your child and see how they did. There are a few students who have not yet given their biography presentation. They will give their presentation on Tuesday, 11/18.

In math we have been working on our multiplication and division fluency. We spend the first 5 minutes of class practicing our fluency. So far we have covered multiplying by 0's, 1's, 2's, 5's, and 10's. Next week we will focus on multiplying by 3's. Moby Max is a great resource for students to practice their facts Flash cards are another great way to help students increase their fact fluency. In addition to our fact practice we will be continuing to work from Module 3 in the Engage NY curriculum. I recommend this website if you want an extra resource to support your child

Today we learned about some of the processes that can rapidly change the Earth's surface. Volcanoes, floods, and earthquakes were among the topics covered. We looked at an interesting website run by the USGS that records earthquakes in real time. Many of the students asked me to put the link for the site on the blog so they can monitor the site for earthquakes over the weekend. If my memory is correct, it looks like, as of this posting there have been seven earthquakes since we last checked the site at school. Here it is the link

Make sure to scroll down and check out the pictures from the buddies that were in my classroom this afternoon.

Upcoming Dates 
  •  Monday, November 17th - Reading Logs Due
  •  Tuesday, November 18th - Spelling Test
  •  Thursday, November 20th - Art Literacy & Picture Retakes
  • Wednesday, November 26th - Friday, November 28th - No School - Thanksgiving

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