The Week Ahead 9/28-10/2
Students will have reading logs and spelling packets due on Monday, 9/28. They will also be taking their spelling test on the words from their spelling packet. In addition, they will be sent home with their reading log and spelling packet that will be due the following Monday.
Next week we will be taking our first math assessment. It will be the Mid Module Assessment, over the first 10 lessons in Module 1. On Monday, we will work on a practice test, that will review the concepts we have covered so far. Students will be coming home that night with the practice test and an answer key. You can help them prepare for their assessment on Tuesday, by reviewing their practice test with them on Monday evening. You can expect students to bring their scored test home on Wednesday after school.
This week in writing we continued using dialogue to show, not tell, our narrative stories. We also reviewed how to use paragraphs in our writing. There is now an expectation that any narrative writing done in our class will have paragraphs. Furthermore, students learned some strategies to hook their readers at the start of their story. Our stories will no longer begin with "Hi my name is _______, and I'm going to tell you about the time I ________." Next week we will learn how to use onomatopoeia and similes to enhance our narrative stories.
On Friday, students were sent home with a yellow paper that explains how to sign up for fall conferences. They will take place on Wednesday, October 21st and Thursday, October 22nd. Sign up for a time slot at the following link.
If you need to schedule your conference by phone, please contact the office at 503-259-7830.
The Scholastic book orders were sent off today. With bonus points earned from the order, I was able to order 30 new additional books for our classroom library! We can expect the books to arrive in the next two weeks.
Thank you to those who have contacted me with times you are available to volunteer in either reading or math. I will send emails this weekend confirming weekly volunteer days and times.
Lastly, it is my goal to attend an out of school event for each child this year. If your student is involved in any sports, musical performances, or anything else, I would love to get a schedule. I'll do my best to make it to an event for each student.
Upcoming Dates
Monday, September 28th - Spelling Packet & Reading Due/Spelling Test
Tuesday, September 29th - Mid Module 1 Math Assessment
Wednesday, September 30th - Track Trot
Friday, October 2nd - Buddies
Friday, October 9th - No School - Staff Development
Wednesday, October 21st - Conferences 3:15 - 8:00
Thursday, October 22nd - Conferences 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Next week we will be taking our first math assessment. It will be the Mid Module Assessment, over the first 10 lessons in Module 1. On Monday, we will work on a practice test, that will review the concepts we have covered so far. Students will be coming home that night with the practice test and an answer key. You can help them prepare for their assessment on Tuesday, by reviewing their practice test with them on Monday evening. You can expect students to bring their scored test home on Wednesday after school.
This week in writing we continued using dialogue to show, not tell, our narrative stories. We also reviewed how to use paragraphs in our writing. There is now an expectation that any narrative writing done in our class will have paragraphs. Furthermore, students learned some strategies to hook their readers at the start of their story. Our stories will no longer begin with "Hi my name is _______, and I'm going to tell you about the time I ________." Next week we will learn how to use onomatopoeia and similes to enhance our narrative stories.
On Friday, students were sent home with a yellow paper that explains how to sign up for fall conferences. They will take place on Wednesday, October 21st and Thursday, October 22nd. Sign up for a time slot at the following link.
If you need to schedule your conference by phone, please contact the office at 503-259-7830.
The Scholastic book orders were sent off today. With bonus points earned from the order, I was able to order 30 new additional books for our classroom library! We can expect the books to arrive in the next two weeks.
Thank you to those who have contacted me with times you are available to volunteer in either reading or math. I will send emails this weekend confirming weekly volunteer days and times.
Lastly, it is my goal to attend an out of school event for each child this year. If your student is involved in any sports, musical performances, or anything else, I would love to get a schedule. I'll do my best to make it to an event for each student.
Upcoming Dates
Monday, September 28th - Spelling Packet & Reading Due/Spelling Test
Tuesday, September 29th - Mid Module 1 Math Assessment
Wednesday, September 30th - Track Trot
Friday, October 2nd - Buddies
Friday, October 9th - No School - Staff Development
Wednesday, October 21st - Conferences 3:15 - 8:00
Thursday, October 22nd - Conferences 8:00 am - 8:00 pm