The Week Ahead 1/11-1/15

We had a nice first week back from winter break. I enjoyed hearing about all of the fun activities students did over the break. We will now be returning to our routine of turning in a spelling packet and reading log each Monday. The reading logs can be completed online. Students will take a test on the words from their spelling packet on Monday as well.

In math we have started our study of division. Students will be solving problems using the standard algorithm (long division) and place value charts. They will also be checking their answers by multiplying. By the end of the week they will be solving story problems using division. Our weekly fact practice will now focus on dividing by a different number each week. Next week we will work on improving our speed and accuracy in dividing by 2's. Students are expected to complete the math lesson each day. If they don't finish it in class, they need to take it home and return it the next day. Friday is the one exception. Each Friday will now be a differentiation day, in which students work on strengthening different math skills. There will be no math homework assigned on Fridays.

Hopefully you have taken the time to read the information that was sent home about our PYP unit on Westward Expansion. This is an inquiry based unit in which students will get a chance to choose topics or questions that interest them and dive in to them. At this point we are in the immersion stage, learning as much as we can about the Corps of Discovery, led by Lewis & Clark. This unit is also integrated with our reading and writing. Students have been reading informational texts on our topic and learning strategies to write informational papers. Ask your student to tell you what has been most interesting to them in our study of westward expansion so far.

Students were sent home with information on the next Continent Club Check. It will take place on Wednesday, 1/27, and will cover North and Central America. You can download the study materials from the PTC website

Upcoming Dates

  • Monday, January 11th - Reading Log & Spelling Packet Due/Spelling Test
  • Thursday, January 14th - Art Literacy
  • Monday, January 18th - No School - MLK Day
  • Wednesday, January 27th - Continent Club Check

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