The Week Ahead 1/25-1/29

When students return to school on Monday, 1/25 they will have reading logs due. The reading logs can be completed online or on paper if there is no access to a computer. There was no spelling packet sent home last week, so the only homework due on Monday is the reading log. There will be a slight change in the weekly homework beginning next week. Students will continue the reading logs, but instead of spelling packets they will be given vocabulary words to study. They will then be tested on those vocabulary words the following Monday. The first set of vocabulary words will be terms that are related to westward expansion.

In writing, students are working on informational papers about the Corps of Discovery. We have learned about finding reliable sources, how to avoid plagiarism, how to organize our information, strategies to start our topics, and strategies to end our topics. At this point students should have a first draft complete. Next week, we will use a checklist to revise and edit our papers and work towards getting a final draft completed. Ask your student what Corps of Discovery topic they chose to write their informational paper on.

Next week students will begin their historical fiction novel studies. Each child will be placed in a book that is set during the westward expansion of the mid 1800's. They will be assigned a number of pages to read each week and a worksheet to complete. Then they will meet with their fellow group members and discuss their book. It is very important that students are prepared for their book group meetings. On Monday, check in with your student and ask them which book they are reading.

We are nearing the end of module 3 in math. On Tuesday, we will complete the final lesson of the module. Wednesday will be a review day, and then we will take the end of module test on Thursday. This was a huge module, with 38 lessons! Please help your student prepare for their test by going over the practice test with them on Wednesday evening. Our fact practice will focus on improving our speed and accuracy in dividing by 3. 

We have continued our study of westward expansion by learning about the pioneers who traveled on the overland trail to Oregon and California in the mid 1800's. I introduced the class to the Oregon Trail video game that was a huge part of my childhood! I know many of you tried to use the link that I sent out, but didn't have any luck with it. I think we found a better link for the game here Next week we will begin a classroom simulation in which the students will work in groups and attempt to make it to Oregon City. 

The next Continent Club Check day will be on Wednesday, 1/27. It will cover North and Central American. The study materials can be downloaded at the PTC website

There will be no school on Friday, 1/29 because it is a Staff Development day. 

Upcoming Dates

  • Monday, January 25th - Reading Log Due
  • Wednesday, January 27th - Continent Club Check
  • Thursday, January 28th - End of Module 3 Math Test
  • Friday, January 29th - No School - Staff Development
  • Monday, February 1st - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test
  • Monday, February 15th - No School - Presidents' Day

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