The Week Ahead 2/1-2/5

There is no school on Friday, 1/29. It is a Staff Development day. When students return from the weekend they will have a reading log due. They will also take a test on their vocabulary words. They will be given new vocabulary words to study for next week's test. Help your student prepare for their vocabulary test by having them practice defining the words, or have them use the words appropriately in a sentence.

Last week in math students took their end of module 3 test. They will get their scored test back when they return to school on Monday. Please look over your student's test with them and go over any problems they may have missed. Next week we will begin module 5. We are skipping module 4, which covers geometry, and jumping to the next two modules, which cover fractions and decimals. We are doing this because fractions and decimals are huge units and we want to make sure they are thoroughly covered before students take the Smarter Balance state assessments. We will come back to module 4 after we finish modules 5 and 6. Our fact fluency practice for the week will focus on dividing by 4's.

All students now have their historical fiction book that is set during the westward expansion of the mid 1800's. Each group was given a certain number of pages to read by their next meeting as well as a worksheet page to complete. Ask your student to tell you what parts of their book are historically accurate and which parts are fiction, and made up by the author to make an interesting story.

I know I said we would be starting our simulation on the Oregon Trail last week, but it turns out we will be starting next week. The students were excited to find out their groups today. Next Wednesday, we will have the opportunity to Skype with a historian. We will see a presentation about the Oregon Trial and then the students will get a chance to ask the expert some questions.

It's hard to believe that it's almost time for our second round of conferences! They will take place on Wednesday, 2/24, from 3:20-8pm, and Thursday, 2/25, from 8am-8pm. Please click on the link below and sign up for your conference. Let me know if you are unavailable on either of those two days and we can schedule an alternate time to meet.

Upcoming Dates
  • Friday, January 29th - No School - Staff Development
  • Monday, February 1st - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test
  • Wednesday February 3rd - Skype with Historian
  • Monday, February 8th - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test
  • Monday, February 15th - No School - Presidents' Day
  • Wednesday, February 24th - Conferences 3pm - 8pm
  • Thursday, February 25th -  No School Conferences 8am - 8pm
  • Friday, February 26th - No School

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