The Week Ahead 1/18-1/22

There will be no school on Monday, 1/18, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. When students return to school on Tuesday, they will have a spelling packet due. In addition, they should have their reading log submitted online. If your student doesn't have access to a computer, they can complete their reading log on a piece of paper. 

Our inquiry study of westward expansion is off and running. Each of the students selected a topic related to Lewis & Clark and the Corps of Discovery and has been practicing their informational writing skills by researching and writing about the topic. Next week they will get a chance to meet with another 4th grader from Ms. Youm's class and share their first drafts with each other. We will also begin learning about the migration that brought pioneers to the west in the 1840's and 1850's. Soon students will be placed in teams and begin a simulation along the Oregon Trail. Reading will be integrated with our study of westward expansion, as students will be placed in historical fiction book groups. The groups will have an assigned number of pages to read each week and meet and discuss their book. 

Next week in math students will learn how to multiply two digit numbers by two digit numbers. They will use area models to visually represent the multiplication. Our fact practice will focus on dividing by 5's. If your student complains of being bored over the long weekend have them log on to their Moby Max account and practice some math. Each weekend, the student who does the most minutes of Moby Max math at home gets on the class Wall of Fame. 

The next Continent Club check will take place on Wednesday, 1/27, and will cover North and Central America. You can download the study materials from the PTC website

Upcoming Dates

  • Monday, January 18th - No School - MLK Day
  • Tuesday, January 19th - Reading Log & Spelling Packet Due/Spelling Test
  • Thursday, January 21st - Family Art Night - 5:30pm
  • Wednesday, January 27th - Continent Club Check
  • Friday, January 29th - No School - Staff Development
  • Monday, February 15th - No School - Presidents' Day

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