The Week Ahead 6/13-6/17

This will be the final week of school. It has been a pleasure to work with this group of students! Each morning I wake up excited for the chance to spend the day with this class. Thank you for the great support from home, it makes my job so much easier!

Artist Visit
We will get to work with an artist this week. His name is Mark and he will be joining us Monday-Thursday. He will teach some collage techniques, and then the students will create a final collage piece.

Students came home with information about an upcoming health lesson. The lesson will cover changes a child goes through as they get older. 4th grade boys will be with me for the lesson and the girls will go to Ms. Youm's class. All students will participate in the lesson, unless they are opted out by a parent.

4th Grade Olympics
On the last day of school we will have 4th Grade Olympics! Students from our class and Ms. Youm's class will create events out of objects in the classroom. Then they will teach their Olympic event to other students and they will compete in the events. Should be lots of fun!

Report Cards
Report cards will be mailed home on Monday, June 20th.

Idiom of the week: all good things must come to an end

 Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, June 13th - School Talent Show
  • Tuesday, June 14th - Reading w/Buddies
  • Thursday, June 16th - Health Lesson
  • Friday, June 17th - Last Day of School
  • Monday, June 20th - Report Cards Sent Home

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