The Week Ahead 6/6-6/10

I can't believe we are down to the final two weeks of school! If you are a volunteer that comes to our room on a specific day each week, you should have received an email letting you know that we won't need volunteers the final two weeks of school. Thank you for giving your time to our class this year! When students return to school on Monday, 6/6 they will have reading logs due.

We are beginning to wind down our inquiry unit on responding to change. Most of the students have turned in their opinion paper and completed their action plan. There are a few students who will finish up next week. The students who have completed their paper and action plan are now using the inquiry time for Genius Hour. They get to research any topic that interests them, but they are responsible for coming up with a way to share their knowledge with me. 

Everyday Heroes 
Next week we will begin a unit that combines nonfiction reading and collage. Students will read biographies about notable people and come up with their own definition of an everyday hero. They will also be introduced to some basic collage techniques. The following week we will have an artist in our room working with us to represent an everyday hero in a collage piece. 

On Friday, the committees presented their bills to the House and Senate. Four of the bills passed the House and the Senate and were approved by Governor Blanc. All four of the new classroom laws will take effect on Monday, June 6th. One of those laws that you should be aware of is that students can now bring a yoga ball from home to sit on instead of a chair. They may also bring a pillow or other seat cushion for their chair. Of course this is optional, and if any of the items brought in become a distraction or unsafe, they will be taken away. Just wanted to give you a heads up, so you know your student isn't pulling your leg when they say they can bring a yoga ball to school on Monday. 

We will get together with our buddies from Mrs. Perrin's class two more times this year. On Friday, 6/10 we will play kickball with them. Then on Tuesday, 6/14 we will join them for buddy reading.

Idiom of the week: comedy of errors

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, June 6th - Reading Logs due - New Classroom Laws Take Effect
  • Wednesday, June 8th - Field Day 
  • Friday, June 10th - Kickball w/Buddies
  • Tuesday, June 14 - Reading w/Buddies
  • Friday, June 17th - Last Day of School
  • Monday, June 20th - Report Cards Sent Home

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