The Week Ahead 5/30-6/2

Students are beginning to finish or get close to finishing their historical fiction books. Have your student tell you some traits about their main character. Make sure they give examples from the book that support having those traits. 

Idiom of the week: the icing on the cake

We will continue our study of measurement next week. Students will focus on using conversion tables to answer story problems involving measurement, capacity, and length. 

On Tuesday, we will begin our final inquiry unit of the year. The central idea of our unit will be natural resources have a structure and function within a community. The lines of inquiry are how watersheds work, ways of maintaining balance, and communities effect on environment.

Class Visit
To help us learn about watersheds, Clean Water Services will be giving us a presentation on Friday, 6/2. 

Field Trip
On Thursday, 6/8 we will be taking a field trip to the Johnson Creek Wetlands. This location is off Barnes Rd. just before NW 118th. The students will be leaving West TV at 12:30 and we expect to arrive at our destination within ten minutes. We will head back to the school at 2:15 and expect to arrive back before 2:30.
During this field trip students will be going to different stations to test water quality, look for indicators of a healthy watershed, and make observations. We are asking for at least eight volunteers to help at the stations. So far our class has five. We will have volunteer training at the site of the field trip, the Monday before the trip, 6/5 at 3:30. In order to volunteer you will need to attend the training on 6/5, have a completed background check through the office, and be able to provide your own transportation to the field trip location. Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering for this field trip.
Continent Club 
The next continent club check will be Wednesday, May 31st. The continent of focus is Africa. The study materials can be downloaded from the West TV PTC website found below.

 Upcoming Dates
  • Friday, May 26th - No School - Staff Development
  • Monday, May 29th - No School - Memorial Day 
  • Wednesday, May 31st - Continent Club
  • Friday, June 2nd - School Spirit Day - Sports Theme
  • Monday, June 5th - Field Trip Volunteer Training 3:30 
  • Thursday, June 8th - Wetlands Field Trip 12:30-2:15
  • Thursday, June 22nd - Last Day of School 

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