The Week Ahead 5/8 - 5/12

We will be wrapping up our study of geometry at the end of the week. Students will take the geometry assessment on Friday, 5/12. You can help your student prepare for their test by going over their practice test with them on Thursday evening. 

Next week students will begin research on a specific way the Earth's surface changes rapidly. Our time next week will be devoted to becoming experts and then the following week students will create PSA's to teach how humans can be prepared for the rapid change. On Friday they picked their top three choices. Students will find out their rapid change on Monday, ask them which one they get.

Guest Speaker
We are very to lucky to have the opportunity to be visited by Dr. Scott Burns, a local geologist, author, and PSU emeritus. He will be discussing the dynamic geology of the Tualatin Valley and will cover the great Missoula Floods, the forming of the Columbia River Gorge, the geological origins of the Tualatin Valley, our local volcanoes, and the Tualatin Mountains. His presentation will take place on Wednesday, May 10th from 1:10 - 1:55. You are welcome to join us if you are interested in learning more about the geology of where we live. Please give me a heads up if you are planning on joining. 

Next week we will begin historical fiction book clubs. Students will read the same book as at least one other peer. They will read an agreed upon number of pages before each meeting, and then meet to discuss their book. Historical fiction books add another layer of nuance, because there are many details in the story that don't make sense if the reader doesn't remember that the story is taking place during a different time period. This can be difficult for 4th grade students to understand. You can help your student be successful in this book group by talking to them about their book. Have them tell you what part of the book is historically accurate and true, and which part is fictional, and made up by the author to tell this story. 

Idiom of the week: a grey area

Upcoming Dates 
  • Monday, May 8th - Start of Historical Fiction Book Clubs
  • Wednesday, May 10th - Guest Speaker - Dr. Burns 
  • Friday, May 12th - Geometry Test   
  • Friday, May 19th - School Carnival
  • Friday, May 26th - No School - Staff Development 
  • Monday, May 29th - No School - Memorial Day 
  • Wednesday, May 31st - Continent Club 

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